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Wind Turbine
In-Depth Product Guide

Wind Turbine


Wind turbines take the kinetic energy in the wind and convert it into clean, renewable electricity. Small wind turbines are available for use at homes and cottages, to generate electricity either off the grid or grid-connected.

There are two important aspects to a home wind energy project.

(1) A good location: A wind turbine needs good, consistent wind speeds, at least 5 metres per second (18 km/h, 11 mph), on average. It may seem windier than that where you are, but this is on a yearly average, including calm days. Check wind speed maps for your area, or measure wind speed yourself using an anemometer on a small tower, available with home weather stations. You also need to check local bylaws and restrictions on tower height, setback from property lines, and noise restrictions. To work optimally, a wind turbine needs to mounted at the top of a tower at least 20 metres (60 feet) high, or at least 10 metres taller than surrounding trees and buildings. This is because wind speed up higher above ground is faster and smoother (less turbulent).

(2) A good wind turbine: Look for a turbine brand with a good track record, good customer reviews, and a comprehensive warranty. A wind turbine has moving parts and needs to last outdoors and be easy to lower down for maintenance when required. Also ask for an accurate power curve for the wind speed and height at your place - this shows you how much energy you should expect to produce.

A reputable wind energy installer should be able to estimate for you how much electricity can be generated from wind at your site, and advise on whether a wind turbine is a good choice. Because wind turbines require quite specific site conditions to work well, solar electricity is often more effective at many sites.

Generates clean, renewable, emission-free electricity to reduce your electric bill, contributing to clean air and slowing down climate change.

It is estimated that offshore wind turbines in U.S. coastal waters could generate more than 4,000 gigawatts of electric power. This is 4000 times more than what the Delorean in Back to the Future needed to time travel! Or four times the current generating capacity of the U.S. electric power system!