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6 favourite indoor gardens

Our Favourite Indoor Gardening Systems

By Rise,
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2020

Are you as excited as we are for the gardening season? As we look at the last snow piles melting from our lawns, we’re just itching with excitement to get our gardening projects underway this spring!

If you don’t share that enthusiasm, maybe you’ve thought of doing some indoor gardening and just aren’t sure how to go about doing it, or maybe don’t have space or time for it. There are actually more benefits to indoor gardening than you might think. Sure you’ll enjoy some fresh, organic veggies, year-round, but you’ll also save a bunch on grocery costs - and you might take a liking to the farming from right within your home.

Spring or not, the indoor gardening craze is on right now, and there are some really great products hitting the shelves that are making indoor gardening so incredibly easy, we just thought it made sense to tell you about some of them here.

We brought together our 6 top picks for indoor gardening solutions that are as newbie-proof as can be. Imagine, fresh vegetables at your disposal, grown straight from your home, it’s such a satisfying thing, isn’t it?

Click and Grow

This beautifully designed small tabletop garden from Click and Grow costs $80, is automated via sensors to make sure enough water, sunlight, and nutrients are getting to the plants.

SuperPonics 8 Hydroponic Grow System

The SuperPonics 8 Hydroponic Grow System costs $325 and is a small automated tabletop system at an affordable price that does 8 plants, and measures top feed watering and bottom feed oxygenation.

Tower Garden

At about 5 feet tall, the Tower Garden costs $500 and holds up to 20 plants and can extend to 28 plants with an added extension.

Water Garden 2.0

The Water Garden 2.0 is a small tabletop garden system with a self-cleaning fish tank. Great for beginners, families or projects, and easy on the wallet at just $100.


The Nutritower is a vertical, soil-free hydroponics system. It is easy to use, is relatively low maintenance, and holds up to 24 plants. The system is a reservoir base for water and they also provide a nutrient solution. The system also automates lights and the water pump. This is a great option at $850.

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute a product endorsement however Rise does reserve the right to recommend relevant products based on the articles content to provide a more comprehensive experience for the reader.Last Modified: 2020-06-26T20:47:56+0000

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