Rise - Proud to be a Certified B Corp

Ashley Abernethy, Rise Marketing Lead
May 28, 2019

Many homeowners may not be familiar with the term B Corp, but I can almost guarantee that you have in your home, or have at least seen, products with the B Corp logo on it. Patagonia, The Honest Company, Klean Kanteen, and Ben & Jerry’s are just a few companies that share the B Corp Certification. And we can now add Rise to that list.

What Is B Corp?

B Corp is a global movement that aims to be the change we seek in the world. Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. It’s like Fair Trade certification but for the whole business, not just a bag of coffee; or USDA Organic certification, but not just for a carton of milk; or LEED certification, but not just for a building.

B Corp Assessment and Certification

B Corp Certification doesn’t just evaluate a product or service; it assesses the overall positive impact of the company that stands behind it (e.g. workers, suppliers, community, customers and the environment). The assessment is intense and is administered by the non-profit B Lab®. A minimum score of 80 is needed for certification, with 200 being a perfect score.

During the assessment, B Lab® digs into how the company treats its employees, what impact the company has on its customers and community, along with their impact on and commitment to the environment.

There are over 2,700 certified B Corporations around the globe, and we are proud to join them in redefining success in business, so that one day everyone uses business as a force for good. Rise officially received its B Corp Certification in May 2019.

Why It Matters

People want to make an impact, whether it’s through their own work or through supporting companies they know care and are making a difference. We have entered into a time where people want to know where their stuff comes from, and they want to support companies that share their same values. But it can be difficult and time consuming to do all of that research for every product and service out there. Consumers can look to B Corp certification as a quantifiable measurement that a company can be trusted; that its claims of sustainability and socially conscious business practices are not false—and, in fact, have been third-party verified.

B Corporations are a way to transcend the contradictions between the ineffective parts of the social sector and myopic capitalism. - New York Times

So why do some companies choose to identify as B Corps, and not others?

This comes down to company leadership. B Corp is so much more than simply ensuring that products are made sustainably, even though they do a great job at weeding out companies that spew out a bunch of greenwashing terms. It’s also about the company culture, giving back to communities, and caring about the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit).

It doesn’t matter what product or service you have, there is no reason to be starting a business today if you’re not insistent on making more than just money, and actually having an impact. I so firmly believe this, that I would go as far as saying that starting a business without the triple bottom line in mind is a complete disservice to the world. - Matt Daigle, Founder of Rise

Why Becoming a B Corp Is Important to Rise

Every single day we provide inspiration, product knowledge, and resources to a community of people who are looking to make their home more energy efficient, healthy, and comfortable, and who want to reduce their impact on the environment. Rise is made up of a team of people who live by these values, and by being a certified B Corporation, we’re ensuring that we are aligning our values with our internal business practices.  

“Five years ago, when Rise was still an idea on a napkin, one thing I knew without a doubt was that we would need to become a Certified B Corp along our journey,” shared Rise Founder and CEO Matt Daigle.

Making business decisions that benefit people, the planet, and profits, just makes good sense, for everyone. I’m a firm believer that it is the future of business, not only because it makes sense, but because our world needs it. I’m incredibly proud of our team for making this vision a reality.

How Rise Became a Certified B Corp

In order to become a Certified B Corporation, we needed to complete a 200 question assessment and obtain a minimum score of 80. We started by conducting a baseline analysis to first understand where we were on the full dimensions of sustainability. This assessed the impact of both the company’s day-to-day operations and our business model, and measured the positive impact on our workers, community, customers and the environment.

By conducting a baseline analysis before completing the full assessment, we were able to identify areas that we could improve immediately. For example, we had office policies such as “no printing unless absolutely necessary,” however, we didn’t actually have these policies documented anywhere.

We welcomed this assessment, as it ensured that our operations, management practices, and governance were well thought out and documented, which places us in the best possible position to have a positive impact.

Examples of Policies Rise Has Implemented

Banning Single Use Plastics

A single use plastic ban in the office, meaning only recyclable paper products may be brought into the Rise office. Of course we strive to use reusable items such as travel mugs, but the use of plastic and styrofoam cups, or any single use plastic, is prohibited.

Charitable Giving Practices

Every Rise employee is encouraged to volunteer 40 work hours each year in their community and support organizations that work on issues they care about, such as the environment, animals, community, the arts and education. We also volunteer as a team, for example, planting trees to help restore land that can protect our local river water quality.

Drive-Less Program

At the start of 2019, we implemented a drive-less program where employees are incentivized to bike, carpool, or use public transportation to get to work. The target is to reduce employee driving mileage by 25%. In addition to the health benefits they receive from cycling, such as reduced stress and increased cardio fitness, they can earn up to $500 per year as an added bonus.

Environmentally Preferred Purchasing

We’ve implemented an Environmentally Preferred Purchasing (EPP) policy, which reviews incoming products and evaluates their source, operation and downstream effects on the environment. When purchasing products for the office, Rise employees are encouraged to look for these 6 more sustainable options:

Rise Supplier Checklist

These are just a few examples of our internal business practices that we now have documented, and that not only help our business and users, but also ensure that the company’s values match existing and future employees’ values as we continue to grow.

Maintaining B Corp Status

Receiving a B Corp Certification isn’t just a one-time stamp of approval. We need to recertify every three years by going through the same 200 question assessment. Our goal is to receive a higher score in 2022. We have a few ideas on how we’re going to do that, such as training and professional development opportunities for our staff, and working with our building management to implement a composting system.

The whole team at Rise is so proud of this certification. Not only does it help further define Rise, our brand, and our commitment to sustainable home improvement, but it makes us better as a team. The process of certification alone has created invaluable policies spanning across the company that will have a long-lasting impact on how we do business for years to come.

Article By: Ashley Abernethy

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute a product endorsement however Rise does reserve the right to recommend relevant products based on the articles content to provide a more comprehensive experience for the reader.