Donna Pols Trump
Many people think that a sustainable home means living in a mud hut, but as you’ll see in this video, that’s not at all the case. As long as you make good building and design decisions, you can have a beautiful, fun, creative home that is also sustainable, just like this one.
Alex Haeckler from AWH Architects talks about this funhouse design titled Moonacy.
The design started with a need to store the homeowner, Jan Edwards, guitar collection, and then evolved into a 3200 sq ft addition onto the existing house for a place to create and play music.
In this video, Alex talks about the two main themes the project had:
The first theme was how to attach it to the existing house while being respectful of that design, yet having the new space be its own thing.
With the homeowner being a musician, the shape and structure were based on acoustic engineering, and the inside surfaces were also very fine-tuned to maximize the music experience. The second was how to ensure the sustainability of the space.
The design is Passive solar and has a high thermal envelope with sip panels and R50 roofs, R35 walls, triple pane glass, and a thick concrete slab floor. The stage is actually made from recycled wood from a tobacco barn.
The space has a really fun feel to it and has a wall made from acoustic panels covered with fabric.
The addition really ties into the existing home while being different. The most sustainable thing a homeowner can do is to think about how they can make their current space perform better and what materials they can reuse.
The space turned out great and really sparks creativity while also being sustainable.
As Alex says, life is too short, so we need to have some fun while we’re here!
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